Sabine Apostolo (Ed.), Gabriele Kohlbauer-Fritz (Ed.), Agnes Meisinger (Ed.)

Die Dritte Generation. Der Holocaust im familiären Gedächtnis

The Third Generation. The Holocaust in Family Memory

Language: German, English
324 pages, softcover
103 illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-95565-673-7
Publication date: 2024
29.90 €

Ausstellung vom 18. September 2024 bis 16. März 2025 im Jüdischen Museum Wien und vom 9. April 2025 bis 1. März 2026 im Jüdischen Museum München

Eighty years after the Holocaust, the last eyewitnesses are dying. Their stories, but also their trauma, have been passed on to their children and grandchildren. While the Second Generation grew up as direct observers of their parents’ psychological and physical damage, the Third Generation can look with greater distance at the family histories, in which memories and silence, family myths and secrets, and overwhelming or missing family legacies are ever-present.
The catalogue of the exhibition “The Third Generation: The Holocaust in Family Memory” investigates various ways of dealing with the inherited trauma and the difficult confrontation with the burden of family history. The contributions discuss biographical and artistic coping strategies by the generations after the Shoah and highlight the common features shared by a heterogeneous group scattered throughout the world.

With contributions by Barbara Agnese | Sabine Apostolo | Noa Arad Yairi | Elisabeth Brainin and Samy Teicher | Isabel Cout | Jutta Fleckenstein | Mirjam-Angela Karoly | Gabriele Kohlbauer-Fritz | Cilly Kugelmann and Yuval Schneider | Katja Petrowskaja | David Slucki | Barbara Staudinger | Marianne Windsperger

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