Jutta Fleckenstein (Hg.),
Tamar Lewinsky (Hg.)
Jews 45/90
From here and there - Survivors from Eastern Europe
Übersetzung: Christopher Wynne
Sprache: Englisch
136 Seiten, Broschur
25 Abbildungen
ISBN: 978-3-942271-48-6
Erschienen: 2011
14,90 €
In 2011/2012, the exhibitions of the Jewish Museum Munich are dedicated to events that began in Eastern Europe and found their continuation in Munich and the surrounding area. The first part of the series "Jews 45/90" takes the immediate post-war period as its subject, when refugee camps in southern Germany became an involuntary home for a great number of Jewish survivors from East Europe.
It is an irony of history that never before or since have so many Jews lived in Bavaria as in the years immediately after the Shoah. The numerous camps set up for Jewish Displaced Persons (DPs) by the US Army and the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRAA), as well as the offices opened successively from summer 1945 onward in Munich by various Jewish aid organizations, created an infrastructure that enabled survivors to start a new life and prepare themselves for living in Israel or other countries.
Essays by Esther Alexander-Ihme, Samuel Bak, Toby Blum-Dobkin, Michael Brenner, Liliy Brett, Lea Fleischmann, Cilly Kugelmann, Savyon Liebrecht, Ellen Presser, Rachel Salamander, Anton Jakob Weinberger, Liliane Weissberg.