English books

  • MAKKABI Deutschland Winter Games – Die Jüdischen Winterspiele, MAKKABI Deutschland e.V. (Ed.), Jewish culture and contemporary history
  • G*tt. Die großen Fragen zwischen Himmel und Erde , Jewish culture and contemporary history
  • In the Face of Death, Erik Riedel (Ed.), Sara Soussan (Ed.), Mirjam Wenzel (Ed.), Jewish culture and contemporary history
  • Erinnerungsort St. Blasien, Alena Bauer (Ed.), Johannes Heitmann (Ed.), Jewish culture and contemporary history
  • Die Dritte Generation. Der Holocaust im familiären Gedächtnis , Sabine Apostolo (Ed.), Gabriele Kohlbauer-Fritz (Ed.), Agnes Meisinger (Ed.), Jewish culture and contemporary history
  • The Veit Family from Freiburg, Sabine Herrle, Jewish culture and contemporary history
  • Judith und Lisa – Best Friends, Elisabeth Naomi Reuter, Jewish culture and contemporary history
  • Dr. phil. Tonja Soloveitchik , Stefan van der Hoek (Ed.), Michael Wermke (Ed.), Jewish culture and contemporary history
  • Sephardic History Beyond Europe, Jonathan Hirsch (Ed.), Sina Rauschenbach (Ed.), Carsten Schapkow (Ed.), Jewish culture and contemporary history
  • Language as Hope , Viola Beckmann (Ed.), Liliana Ruth Feierstein (Ed.), Jewish culture and contemporary history
  • In the Gray Zones of History, Stephan Heinrich Nolte, Vera Trnka, Jewish culture and contemporary history
  • Zwölf Monate – Zwölf Namen | Twelve Months–Twelve Names, Angela Libal (Ed.), Jewish culture and contemporary history

Jewish Culture and Contemporary History

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